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News & Events
Saint Alban´s Dinner Groups

Come join the fun and fellowship of our Parish Dinner Groups. This year we will be meeting on the second Sunday of each month in each other’s homes or elsewhere. We will have two sessions with people in the same group – September to November and January to March. At the first meeting, the group will decide on the host (who usually provides the main dish) and dishes for the next month. Not everyone will host, since the groups have 8-10 people and meet only three times. In April we will have a final potluck dinner with everyone at Saint Alban’s to end our year. You must register by September 1 to be included for the entire year; those signing up later will be included in the second session only.

TO REGISTER: Please click here to download (and print or email to Jackie) the form or complete one available on the table outside the office.

If you have any questions, please email Jackie Dienemann or call 704-655-0826.

Crucifer, Torchbearers, Lay Readers, and Chalice Bearers Needed!

If you’re interested in helping to lead worship as an acolyte, lay reader or chalice bearer, please come forward! The new service schedule means that we need additional worship leaders, and this is a great way to get involved. As one of our parishioners said "Being an Episcopalian is not a spectator sport!” And there will be training for all! Please fill out an interest sheet located in the Narthex, or contact Rebecca by e-mail at: ryarbrough@gostalbans.org or ryarb1@carolina.rr.com for more information! Thank you--we look forward to seeing YOU!

Episcopal Church Women

The ECW Board Meeting is on May 4 at 10:00 a.m. Everyone is invited to attend.

Holy Eucharist at The Pines Retirement Community

On the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every months at 11:00 a.m., St. Alban’s will hold a Eucharist at The Pines Retirement Community in the upstairs living room in the main building. St. Alban’s members are invited to attend this service along with the residents of the Pines.
Prayer Shawl Ministry

Calling all knitters, crocheters and those interested in learning! Contact Colleen Kopchick, 704-892-8033 or colleenkop@gmail.com if you would like to get information on this ministry.

St. Alban’s Cookbooks

Copies are still available for purchase. They are $12 each and you may purchase your copy in the church office during the week or in the narthex on Sunday mornings.

St. Alban's Episcopal Church301 Caldwell LaneMail: PO Box 970Davidson, NC 28036Tel: 704-892-0173Fax: 704-892-6506
e-mail: saintalbans@gostalbans.orgwww.saintalbans-davidson.org