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Message from the Sr. Warden

RectorThis is the Lord’s house, home of all his people,
school for the faithful,
refuge for the sinner,
rest for the pilgrim,
haven for the weary; all find welcome.

St. Alban’s in Davidson is a friendly, inclusive, and growing Episcopal parish in the Diocese of North Carolina. Whether you are an Episcopalian or a person seeking a new church home, we invite  you to join us in worship as we strive to be faithful disciples of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

The Bishop of our Diocese, The Right Reverend Michael Curry, proclaims that, “Our vision as a diocese is to be a community of disciples committed to following Jesus Christ into the dream of God for us and for all creation. The dream of God is a way of talking about God's original purpose and intention for creation, the full expression of loving communion and community between God, human beings and all creation. It is a way of talking about the biblical vision of God's promised blessing for all (Genesis 12:1-3), of God's Shalom or peace (Isaiah 11:1-9), and of the kingdom or reign of God's love (Mark 12:28-34).

To be a disciple is to walk the high road of the Gospel. It is to traverse the royal road of love, to be a person of compassion, to summon forth justice in season and out, to embody the very forgiveness of God and to incarnate the reconciliation which is God's ultimate goal in creation. Thus, discipleship is a journey, following Jesus of Nazareth, through the nightmare that is often our world into the dream that God intends for us and all creation.”

St. Alban’s shares Bishop’s Curry vision to be a people who desire to live God’s dream, walking the high road of the Gospel. We are all pilgrims in this journey who desire to continually add fellow pilgrims to our company.

Come and journey with this community of joyful pilgrims committed to the forward mission of the Gospel of Christ. If we can assist you in your own spiritual journey in any way, please let us know.


St. Alban's Episcopal Church301 Caldwell LaneMail: PO Box 970Davidson, NC 28036Tel: 704-892-0173Fax: 704-892-6506
e-mail: parishadmin@gostalbans.orgwww.saintalbans-davidson.org